

today i do not feel like writing anything, in fact i am having an argument with my ASPIRING WRITER unit. he claims fatigue brought on by dallying with friends on facebook and maintenance of two other blogs [link] [link] i claim he is just LAZY. he is impossible that way – though he did spend an hour sorting and ordering his research notes. not that he has very many notes to sort, but i guess it will have to count in his favor. anyway, since this argument has not come to a resolution – no writing today. sorry guys.


Filed under General, NaNoWriMo, Writing

2 responses to “Procrastination…

  1. Zen

    Oh dear. Your ASPIRING WRITER may be in need of a tune-up… or maybe a pick-me-up? =D It’s okay to take a break every once in a while.


    • Thank you, Zen :) – i believe it might be a matter of the latter – a pick-me-up. my wife has been on vaction for two weeks, and i suspect both i and the ASPIRING WRITER unit is suffering from a severe case of missing the WIFE unit. she will be back tomorrow. that might fix this.


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